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51st International Ski Congress


這次的會議在希臘的 Costa Navarino ,日期是5/13-5/19 (近年是兩年舉辦一次),身為台灣(TPE)的會員席次代表 - 中華民國滑雪滑草協會 CTSA 也在2017年底就受邀出席,FIS 各委員會,理事會,2022/2023 FIS 世界錦標賽申辦候選單位 及 大會的小型展覽,會都在 官方會議酒店- Costa Navarino 威斯汀度假村 進行。

台灣目前在FIS除了有一般會員席次外,在 FIS 滑草委員會 仍有委員席次 (不是每個國家在委員會都會有席次),委員代表為 國體法改選前的副理事長 吳永義先生(下圖右:白紋外套);此次會議出席者還有國體法改選後連任理事長 - 林廷芳 先生 (下圖:中) 以及 專長越野滑雪、目前住在加拿大卡加利的候補監事 王柏仁 先生(下圖左:黑襯衫)。


此次,除了FIS 理事會改選外,跟台灣比較密切的其中一項,就是亞洲滑雪聯盟ASF (FIS、洲際級聯盟)的改選及相關會議(與FIS CONGRESS時程一樣、兩年召開一次)。

下圖左二的是上一任的FIS副主席 村里敏彰 先生(SAJ常務理事),今年他與加拿大的 Smith Patrick、法國的 Vion Michel 同列第一高票、再度連任FIS理事、FIS副主席、並獲選為ASF新任主席

村里先生上一任其獲選FIS副主席時,我有在 FB專頁 專文發表 恭喜並簡介如後:他最早是瑞士隊在日本札幌冬奧的助理教練 <唸因斯布魯克大學> 歸國之後創辦滑雪學校/滑雪相關裝備 並促成岩手・雫石在當時不可能的條件下,舉辦FIS WC (1993) 後來在SAJ、日本olympic委員會持續擔任要務 算是引領日本與世界持續接軌的關鍵人物 現在當上了FIS的副會長...實在是有點厲害 REF:


除此之外、2022年即將舉辦冬季奧運的中國,其列席代表 楊東 先生(下圖右:無領帶),也以第二高票當選FIS 理事。


FIS Athlete Commission Member representation on FIS Council

In 2016, the Congress unanimously approved a change of Statutes to include a representative of the FIS Athlete’s Commission proposed by the Athletes Commission itself, as a member of the FIS Council with voting rights. Furthermore, the Congress 2018 approved the proposal to include a second FIS Athlete’s Commission representative of the other gender and another discipline and agreed to implement the decision immediately. The Congress unanimously elected Konstantin Schad (GER), Snowboard and Hannah Kearney (USA), Freestyle Skiing as the two Athlete Commission members of the FIS Council for the 2018-2020 period.

FIS運動員委員在FIS理事會的兩個席次為 Konstantin Schad (GER), Snowboard and Hannah Kearney (USA), Freestyle Skiing


FIS Membership The Congress approved the affiliation of two National Ski Associations from Jordan and the Dominican Republic as Associate Members. After further development of its activities the Kosovo Ski Association was elected as a full member with one vote.

會議承認兩個國家協會為FIS準會員 分別是 約旦滑雪協會及多明尼加滑雪協會,而科索沃滑雪協會成為FIS正會員


Olympic Winter Games Programme The Congress approved that FIS propose to the International Olympic Committee the following new events for inclusion in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games programme (in addition to existing proposed events):

Freestyle aerials mixed team event, Freeski big air, Snowboard cross team event, Snowboard alpine mixed team parallel event, Snowboard parallel slalom, Snowboard mixed team slalom, Telemark parallel sprint.




Adoption of FIS Safe Sport Policy The Congress approved the new FIS Safe Snow Policy, approved by the FIS Council in Costa Navarino, to address Safeguarding from Harassment and Abuse. The FIS Safe Snow Policy is also designed to assist the National Ski Associations implement its’ own policies



Management of Governance and Ethical Breaches The Congress acknowledged the establishment of the system to protect the integrity of sport and the FIS in the case of any breaches of governance and ethical matters as provided for in the FIS Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption and Betting Rules, new Safe Snow Policy and the FIS Anti-Doping Rules, through an independent specialist organisation. The services will include a Whistleblower Hotline, Investigation Services and an Ethics and Compliance Office. The services from “Global Sports Investigations” will deal with such matters.

會議特別致謝個獨立專門機構 在違反管理及倫理事件出現時,運用已建立系統 例如:FIS道德準則、反貪腐賭博規則、新安心運動政策以及FIS反興奮劑政策,來維護運動誠信及維護FIS組織。


FIS SnowKidz Award 2018 Results The FIS “Bring Children to Snow” international campaign to engage and encourage the younger generations to winter sports rewarded the recipients of the fourth FIS SnowKidz Award. The top three award winners, Finland, Sweden and USA, were decided by the jury from among the eight finalists: The final results are listed below:

FIS SNOWKIDZ獎項,主要是"帶小孩來雪地" 國際兒童活動,頒發給吸引並鼓勵年輕世代餐與冬季運動的計畫,並由評審團選出前八名,前三名得獎國為芬蘭、瑞典及美國,其中,日本王子集團的snowkidz獲得第六名 (6. Japan: Prince SnowKidz)

Prince Snow Kids is combination of two programmes, Kids Free Programme and Prince Kids Club. The Prince Snow Kids initiative sees all kids 12 and under receive free lift passes to the 10 Prince Hotels ski resorts. Thanks to the Prince Kids club children can also behind the scenes and experience such positions as patrolling with ski patrol and operating gondolas with lift staff.



由於本次會議我沒有親自參加,主要是整理 中華民國滑雪滑草協會 CTSA 理事長林廷芳 拍攝並轉述之會議經過,及FIS、SAJ 官方公告資料。

其他會議結果 請按此連結 閱讀詳細資料


本人雖獲選為CTSA第12屆理事,此文章整理為個人嗜好,非滑雪協會官方文章,文意如有錯誤請與我聯絡;相關事務的執行及細節解釋,請以 FIS官網CTSA官網 公告為主

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